Personal Growth

Get Ready for Your Breakthrough—It's Time to Reach the Other Side

(Unsplash/Mete Myagkiy)

Who cares about the other side when your boat's about to sink?  True, if you reach the shore you'll be safe from the storm, but it is too far to swim, and the boat is quickly filling with water. The wind has torn the sails, the waves have long since knocked the starch out of your shirt, and those around you have that terror-stricken look of defeat in their eyes. It seems your destiny is in danger. You were told to go to the other side, but you are about to sink in the middle of the sea. Reaching your destiny no longer seems possible. Survival is your only thought, and that hope also seems to be fading quickly. What do you do now?  You must do exactly what the disciples of Jesus did so long ago: Remember Jesus! The Master is on board the ship, He set the goal, and He will get you there!

I love the way Mark describes this particular stormy night. After a full day of teaching, preaching, and working miracles, Jesus says to the disciples, "Let us go cross to the other side" (Mark 4:35). Physically exhausted from the intensity of ministry, Jesus reclines on a pillow in the back and sleeps. The disciples calmly go about the business of sailing the Sea of Galilee, conversing with one another as they work. Can you see it?  Can you put yourself in their sandals? You are content knowing you are pursuing the will of the Master and all is well. Then out of nowhere, the storm arises. A peaceful night quickly becomes a nightmare.

Four of these men are seasoned fishermen, veterans of Galilee's frequent storms. At first, they exude the confidence bred of experience. Soon they realize that something is different about this night. Within moments, the ferocity of the wind and waves beat these confident men into near basket cases. The sails ripping apart by angry winds, and waves anxiously seeking to catch a ride on the ship. With the water rapidly rising inside and not enough buckets to bail it out; the disciples lose hope. Then someone remembers Jesus. Perhaps it is John turning to Peter who says, "Wake Jesus!  We're going to die unless He does something!" The Bible says, "He was in the stern asleep on a pillow. They woke Him and said, 'Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?'(Mark 4:38).

I can almost hear the disciples' thoughts: How can He sleep through this storm? Doesn't anything bother Him? He doesn't even care that we're going to die out here! As they wake Him, Jesus simply stretches, yawns, steps to the bow of the ship and speaks three words: "Peace, be still!" (Mark 4:39). Instant obedience. The wind and the waves recognize the voice of the Creator and humbly obey. Suddenly. There is a great calm, and the ship proceeds victoriously to the other side.

The Other Side

For the disciples on this particular night, the other side is the region known as the Gadarenes. It is a place of great deliverance for the demonized with the legion. And he is the first fruit of significant breakthrough for the entire region. For you, the other side also represents a place of considerable advance, a place where your God-given vision becomes fulfilled. But don't be naïve! Every move you make closer to the release of God's plan for your life will be fought with increased intensity!

God's word of promise always meets with warfare from the enemy! But He promises that everything will work together for your good (see Rom. 8:26-29). One way it works for good, is that you discover your abilities, intelligence, strength, will-power and experience are not enough to withstand every storm. The journey often highlights inadequacies and forces you to trust Jesus on new levels.

 You and I must learn to trust His Word. Jesus has spoken. Andre Crouch said it best, "Through it all, through it all, I've learned to trust in Jesus, I've learned to trust in God./ Through it all, through it all, I've learned to depend upon His Word."  He charted the course, knowing the storm would come attempting to discourage, defeat and destroy you.

Remember Jesus. He said, "Let us go cross to the other side" (Mark 4:35b). He has you even when it appears He is asleep. He is never asleep. Psalm 121:3 proclaims, "He who keeps you will not slumber."

The ferocious storms of life are not enough to defeat you!  Jesus is with you! He has given you His purpose and His grace, which enables you to fulfill the mission (see 2 Tim. 1:9). You can overcome whatever you are facing. If the season you're in right now so highlights your weakness that you feel incapable of speaking to the storm yourself,  you can still call on Jesus. Call His name in prayer and watch Him move to the forefront of your life and speak the creative words, "Peace, be still!" (Mark 4:39). Get ready for your breakthrough! It's time!  Let's go—to the other side!

Keith Nix is the founding lead pastor of a thriving congregation, The Lift Church in Sevierville, Tennessee. He has traveled as an international evangelist since 1993 carrying a unique prophetic message of awakening to this generation. He and his wife, Margie, have one daughter, Isabella. To learn more and get a free audio download you can visit: You can connect with Keith on Twitter, Facebook and other platforms @KeithNixTV

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