First Priority

Lead, Not Follow

God has a history of using His people to shape every facet of society

If there’s ever been a time for Christians to influence society, the time is now. In Hitler’s day, the church sat back and prayed. Prayer is vital; yet just as faith without works is dead, so is prayer without action.

Many Christians feel the last place we should be involved is in our government. Yet how do you explain Deborah as a judge over Israel or David as both king and priest, or Moses as deliverer of all the Hebrews from a corrupt, oppressive rule? Weren’t Daniel’s knowledge and skill in literature and wisdom, and understanding of visions and dreams his very stepping stones into high government (see Dan. 1:19)? Or what about Joseph, who, using God’s wisdom, put together perhaps the largest food bank and financial solution ever established to save both his nation and Egypt in a time of great famine. He went from prison to palace with the insight of God.

For the last several years we’ve heard prophetic words proclaiming that God is releasing to His people creative inventions, revelational solutions and strategies for the complex difficulties coming upon the earth. It makes sense that He gives answers to those who worship Him.

Perhaps you’ve heard of the “Seven Mountain Strategy.” This revelation was first given to Bill Bright of Campus Crusade and Loren Cunningham of YWAM many years ago. God showed the two separately but in the same time period that He was calling for Christians to take their rightful places on the “mountains of influence” in society. These mountains are government, the media, education, entertainment and the arts, economy, family, and religion. Now this revelation has surfaced again and the Holy Spirit is blowing on it with great insight through authors such as Lance Wallnau and Johnny Enlow.

Proverbs declares that “when the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when a wicked man rules, the people groan” (29:2). It’s time we step up to the plate and take our positions on every mountain. Many in your congregations need to be encouraged to seek God for supernatural insight and bring it to the world.

I believe God is revealing hidden “Josephs” and revealers of secrets all over the earth. Those who are currently in authority will be seeking out the wisdom of the godly. The humanistic answers have failed. The global economy—the idol of the world—is failing. “Think tank” answers from the best minds will still come up empty without insight from God.

What better way to demonstrate the reality of the kingdom of God than to give answers that work? Church isn’t about the four walls in which we meet, but about glorifying God in all the earth and bringing His influence and righteousness to bear in every situation.

Just as in revival, God isn’t interested in a mere visitation but in a habitation that permanently changes lives. Apply this same principle to the institutions of everyday life. God is not content with a prayer meeting in a capitol building; He wants reformation of ungodly government.

Isaiah 9 proclaims that the government rests upon the shoulders of Jesus, and there shall be no end to the increase of His government. How does this happen if we aren’t actively involved in places and positions of influence? We must rid ourselves of religious mindsets that are based more in man’s fear than in faith.

Now when we hear the slogan, “The Change We Need,” let’s remember: It begins with us!

Ché Ahn is senior pastor of Harvest Rock Church in Pasadena, Calif. He leads an apostolic network in 36 nations around the world and has written numerous books, including Close Encounters of the Divine Kind. For more information, visit

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