Charisma Leader | Serving and empowering church leaders

If I Am Nothing Else, I Will Live Vibrant!


I yearn to live vibrantly with a ferocious ardor and an unremitting hunger. I deeply desire to live a life so noble and meaningful that heaven gasps in awe and wonder. We have been personally invited by the Creator of the universe and the Lover of our souls to live vibrant lives ... will you join me on this thrilling journey?

What exactly is a vibrant person, you might be asking. A vibrant person exhibits great life, great activity and great energy. A vibrant person is alive in the deepest part of his or her soul and flourishes in every season of life. A vibrant person knows the secret of thriving in the most adverse conditions.

"Be ye therefore imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, even as Christ also loved you, and gave himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for an odor of a sweet smell" (Eph. 5:1-2, ASV).

When living vibrant lives, our chief goal should be to live in a manner that honors the Father. Every word we speak should be of kindness and compassion to those in our lives. We are the Father's representatives on earth, and our calling is to represent Him well. We are His ambassadors of hope, joy and love. People are watching our lives to see Christ in us, the hope of glory.

There is a way to live wholeheartedly for Jesus. There is a defined way to live a life so rich and so glorious that the people in your world will ache for what you have. After years of reading and studying Scripture, and decades of living enthusiastically for Christ and His kingdom, I know that I know this miraculous way of life is possible.

The Bible is our source and it lays out a practical, daily strategy for living a miraculously vibrant life. Although the process is far from easy, it is indeed simple. Even a person who has been pummeled by the circumstances of life will be able to catch a fresh vision and learn how to flourish once again.

"For our heart shall rejoice in him, Because we have trusted in his holy name" (Ps. 33:21, ASV).

Your ability to live a life of uncommon hope and irrepressible joy is not linked to your circumstances, but it is linked to your choices. As you walk through this earthly life, there will be many opportunities to make choices. But the most important one is this: Will you fully trust the Lord? When a believer chooses to trust God and to believe His Word, even during the most difficult days of life, the blessing will be enormous. I believe everyone has the potential of choosing to live a vibrant life, which begins by emulating Jesus. His life was filled with challenges, and yet people were drawn to Him.

A large part of your capacity to live a vibrant life is to forgive and then to love the difficult people who enter your life. Forgiveness is the most dynamic choice you will ever make. It will change your life in powerful and plentiful ways. Don't ruin your life with bitter feuding and grudges. Instead, walk confidently into a life of joy and peace that is guided by forgiveness.

Another crucial aspect of one's ability to live a vibrant life, I believe, comes from two distinct determinants in life: First, the ability to suffer well no matter the cost to personal preference or desires; and secondly, the overwhelming desire to connect with Christ this side of heaven's glory!

It is in you and through you that Christ will love the world. And in this, you will discover a vibrant life of unquenchable joy and unmatched purpose. You are called to be a vibrant show-and-tell of what God is able to accomplish through one ordinary person.

So, determine this day that whatever vibrant means, you want it! Tell yourself and anyone who will listen, "If I am nothing else, I will be vibrant!"

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