Kingdom Culture

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Please Don’t Worship the iPreacher

Let’s be careful of building a ministry on one man’s charisma—even if he is trendy

Thanks to amazing advancements in digital technology, pastors today can reach massive audiences. Their sermons can become overnight YouTube sensations. Some of our most gifted Christian communicators touch millions through their downloadable sermons. Others broadcast their messages to multi-site locations so that their reach is multiplied to 10 or 20 congregations instead of one.

I’m not complaining about this. I love the fact that this column (which started out as a page in a paper magazine) is now able to travel to the other side of the world in seconds. I’m glad I can preach the gospel through Twitter and Facebook. God wants us to use modern technology.

But as much as I love my iPad, and as much as I welcome all the rapid changes occurring in communications, I’m concerned about the emergence of the iPreacher. read more


Reinhard Bonnke: 5 Ways to Lead a Victorious Life

A whole generation of Israel wished—and died wishing. For them, 40 years of wandering turned the Promised Land into Fantasy Land. For those same 40 years, Joshua nurtured a victory just waiting to happen. When God commissioned him, Joshua responded and turned others’ wishes into land, cities, homes and possessions—the inheritance of generations to come.

Why did Joshua succeed where others did not? It’s vitally important to first say that the reasons all lay in Joshua’s own heart, not in his circumstances. That’s the difference between what happens for some people and what doesn’t happen for others. Success is in ourselves and God’s Word, not in our circumstances.

Let’s look at the five victory factors behind Joshua’s success, all set out in Joshua 1. read more


Franklin Graham Urges Prayer for President Obama, America

Our country finds itself in perilous times, facing uncertainty and anxiety stemming from economic challenges, global instability and threats to our freedom and security as a people.

Having just come through a divisive national election, I am urging pastors across this country to lead their congregations in praying daily for our president, Barack Obama, and all of our elected leaders--for wisdom, Divine guidance, and that God would accomplish His will and purposes.

While politics is noticeably partisan, prayer must never be partisan. Americans need to come together, and people of faith should lead the way, by praying diligently for our leaders whether or not they agree with them or their policies. God's Word commands us to pray for 'kings and all who are in high positions.' (I Timothy 2:2) read more

Business Succeed and Lead photo

Successful Leaders Build on Godly Precepts

Note: The following is an excerpt from the book Lead and Succeed by Sara. J. Moulton Reger

Business leaders can never go wrong by building their foundation on godly principles. The fundamentals in this chapter are the underpinnings of our thinking, so they precede effective decisions, actions, and habits. Just as it is a good idea to check the foundation of your home periodically to ensure it is sound, you may want to return to this chapter periodically to review these important Bible fundamentals for business leadership.

Acknowledge That Leaders are Chosen by God

The apostle Paul wrote the following passage at a time when Rome ruled the world. One of Rome’s emperors would eventually order Paul’s death.

“Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.” (Romans 13:1) read more

Charisma Leader — Serving and empowering church leaders