The pastor's kid who grows up and turns away from God is too common of a story. Here's how you can avoid making that your child's story.
It Is Time to Listen to the Mothers of This Generation

The pastor's kid who grows up and turns away from God is too common of a story. Here's how you can avoid making that your child's story.
Millennial parents have their own unique generational values that you need to know and understand if you're going to reach them and their children.
If we're going to help more families engage in faithful church attendance, then we've got to find out what the barriers are and find ways to remove them.
Millennials are fast becoming the most powerful generation of parents ever to rise.
While it's difficult to imagine losing one child—much less two—Alpha USA Executive Director Gerard Long and his wife Jeannie know that God is still on the throne.
Parenting should be about a heart-to-heart connection—not control
Our children are professional mistake makers. They are all on a learning journey. When we are afraid of their mistakes or their sins, our anxiety controls our responses to them and the spirit of fear becomes the “master teacher” in our home.
Even though 2 Timothy 1:7 clearly tells us that we have not been given a spirit of fear from God, we often partner with that spirit to train our children toward the goal of obedience and compliance.
For many, like it was for me, intimidation is our only real parenting tool. We have various levels of intimidation. We try to convey to our kids that we are in control of their lives from the time they are tiny. Once again, the problem with that lesson is that heaven is not trying to control your life. God doesn’t want to control you.