The televangelist and megachurch founder has gone to be with the Lord. Please pray for his family.

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The televangelist and megachurch founder has gone to be with the Lord. Please pray for his family.
The Crystal Cathedral leader and televangelist is in critical condition in a California nursing home.
Started with seven people in Rick and Kay Warren's living room, here's how Saddleback has grown to become a pillar of evangelism for Christ.
With the Carpenter's Home Church building set to be torn down, Stephen Strader, the son of CHC founder Karl Strader, tells readers his family's side of the church's history.
The next generation of Christian leaders faces an uphill challenge from toxic elements inside and growing hostility outside the church.
People watch leaders, especially how they transition in response to tragedy or the normal course of ministry seasons.
What has been your experience with church memorials? Are they honoring or have they been detrimental?
It's important to empower young leaders now. Are you inspiring your young leaders to dream big?
Wayne Hilsden has been preaching the gospel in Israel for over 30 years. He and others are meeting the challenge to prompt new generations in the Holy Land to listen.
Dr. Myles Munroe was killed on Sunday in a plane crash after his private jet struck a construction crane during its approach to the Grand Bahama International Airport.
Are you open to anything that God has for you?
The coming generation of spiritual leaders should give us all reasons to be hopeful. Here's why.
Find out how young adults born between 1980 and 2000 are making a healthy and exciting impact on American congregations.
Like many of you, I found out Thursday morning that Calvary Chapel founder and pastor Chuck Smith has died.
1. In all the world there are only three Christians who love change; none of them are in your church.
2. When you speak before an unfamiliar group, be careful what you say because you never know who is listening to you. You’ll start to tell a story about some guy in your former church, and his mama is sitting right in front of you.
3. There will never be a time in your life when you know all the Bible and have your questions all answered; if you cannot serve Him with some gaps in your knowledge and preach without knowing everything, you’re going to have a hard time.
When it comes to work ethic, I was raised in the old-school by a West Texas dad who felt it was his parental duty to teach the next generation the value of minimum wage, back-breaking, manual labor.
The first job he arranged for me was digging ditches. That’s right, my dad secured my brother and I summer jobs as ditch-diggers, installing underground telephone cables ten hours a day in the 100-degree Mississippi heat for $1.65 an hour.
Since I complained so much about the heat, the next summer he got me an indoor job. So I spent that summer inside an UN-air conditioned warehouse loading 50-pound fertilizer bags onto pallets. During our breaks we would go outside to cool off. The inside of that warehouse was hotter than outside.
Best-selling author and pastor John Piper will focus on his writing after preaching his last sermon as senior pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, where he has served for more than 30 years.
"This is the last message in the series of 30-year theological trademarks, and I am calling it 'sorrowful, yet always rejoicing,' " Piper said from the pulpit Dec. 30. "I believe for these decades this theme and tone has marked us deeply. We are a happy people. But we are not what you might call 'chipper.' There is a plaintive strain in the symphony of our lives. I think Jesus was the happiest man whoever lived. And oh how sorrowful! A man of sorrows and acquainted with grief."
Piper, 66, has stepped down from running the church with close to 5,000 weekly attendees, but he still has the passion to write books, preach and tour the country with his Desiring God ministry, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported.
Frank Pastore, a Christian radio host and author of the 2010 memoir Shattered: Struck Down, But Not Destroyed, died Dec. 17—nearly a month after suffering serious head injuries from a motorcycle crash in Duarte, Calif. Pastore, 55, had been in a coma since the Nov. 19 accident.
"I just lost my beautiful husband," Pastore's wife, Gina Pastore, told the Inland Daily Bulletin. "But it's comforting to know he's home with the Lord now. People are calling in [to his radio show] and crying and mourning with us.
"I want to thank so many people for their outpouring of love and support," she added. "That's really helped to sustain our family during this difficult time."
Evangelist, prophet and teacher Mary Ellen Strong, a pioneer in black media and marketing, died last week of heart failure at her California home. She was 91.
“She was the first in so many things,” said Jerrel Jones, her son. “She did have the pioneering spirit.”
Articulate and humorous, on numerous radio stations and television programs including The 700 Club, Strong's messages were delivered with the authority of knowing her secure position in Jesus Christ. She was a trailblazer for change and improvement across the globe; known to stand up with great boldness to rulers and laymen.
Born Mary Ellen Brady on June 4, 1921 in Milwaukee, Wis., she married James Strong, an attorney and U.S. diplomat to Gambia who worked with a number of major corporations, in 1970. He was a former marketing executive with the Kellogg Corp. After his death, she married Andrew Gaines, the father and manager of the late singer Donna Summer.
John McConnell, Jr., the Pentecostal founder of Earth Day, passed away on Oct. 20, in Denver. He was 97 years old.
McConnell’s grandfather was at the Azusa Street Revival and his parents were founding members of the Assemblies of God.
Following the Kennedy assassination, McConnell’s Minute for Peace gained worldwide attention. This led to his Earth Day and other initiatives aimed at promoting people and planet. In this book, Peace, Justice, Care for Earth, he shares the views that garnered support during the environmental movement from 1969 onward, and that have inspired followers for 40 years at annual Earth Day ceremonies at the United Nations (UN) and cities across the globe.
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