Fear is a huge hindrance to the Kingdom of God, especially when it comes from leadership.
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To Avoid Charismatic Excesses, These Pastors Actually Quenched the Spirit
Pastor Shane Idleman looks at how leaders can limit the Holy Spirit instead of releasing Him into the lives of their congregations.
Pastor, Leave a Little Room for the Holy Spirit in Your Life
Between your plans, programs and strategies, do you think you can squeeze the Holy Spirit into your day?
10 Reasons Preaching Is Scary
Preaching God's Word has its obvious rewards. It also has its drawbacks.
10 Leadership Statements From a Heart of Pride
Here's why pride in leadership can be very dangerous.
The Good News and Bad News of Kingdom Economics
As ministers of the gospel, it is our job to ensure that our flocks are equipped to survive, prosper and honor the King in the current economic environment.
10 Reasons Some Pastors Develop a Superstar Mentality
If you're the shepherd of your flock, these are 10 traps to avoid.
10 Things a Pastor Doesn’t Like to Hear Right After His Sermon
As a pastor, you've probably heard these before, but doesn't it still sting when you hear them?
7 Signs You Are Suffering From Mission Drift
Are you continuing to move forward in your primary calling, or have you taken a detour?
Ministry and Aviation: A Natural Fit for Pilot
Before and after he takes to the friendly skies, Bryan Hayden delivers the gospel to the masses at airshows across the country with his Open Throttle Ministries.
Those Tiny Vignettes We May Overlook in Scripture
From Paul and Silas' 'midnight concert' to the women who supported Jesus and the disciples, these are good stories that aren't told as much as others.
Is Legalism Killing Your Joy in Ministry?
If you think putting your trust in rituals, rules, a religion or reputation will earn you points with God, think again.
7 Ways to Successfully Lead Change
Change is very hard sometimes. And that's what makes change difficult to lead. But here's how you can.
Is There Any Room for Repentance in Our Modern Preaching?
I believe the great revival could be at the door. It tarries, perhaps, until we tweak our message and begin presenting Jesus as more than means for personal happiness.
Pastors Kicked Out of Capitol Visitor Center Over ‘Appeal to Heaven’ Prayer
An emerging movement is growing under a white banner with an evergreen tree and the words "An Appeal to Heaven." But this prayer and awakening movement is already seeing resistance from the U.S. government.
Dr. Bill Hamon: ‘How Can These Things Be?’
The father of the prophetic movement tackles spiritual deception in the church.
10 of the Most Fiercely Defended Traditions in Church
Do these traditions seem familiar in your church? What would you add?
Attention Pastors and Ministry Leaders
If you have members of your congregation who are doing well in business and Kingdom living, please send us a brief description of their work and life as you know it.
11 Signs of a Monster Pastor
Like a codependent spouse, abused churches typically continue to hire abusive pastors. Here's some tips to stop that trend.
The Price of Pleasure: How Ministry Pornography Can Destroy a Church
Do you ever have unrealistic expectations of an experience you're never going to have at your church?