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Pastor discernment

The Toughest Thing Preachers Must Know

How do preachers discern when something they're planning to share is of God or just a conviction of their own? Find out how to tell the difference.

Are you an example of Christ-likneness to your congregation?

12 Ways to Be a Godly Leader

What makes you a bold example of Christ-likeness for your congregation? Here are some suggestions of how you can walk the walk.

Godly culture

How to Develop Godly Culture in Your Church

It can be very difficult to repair a negative culture in a church. Here are some things to consider when assessing the atmosphere in yours, and some suggestions to improve it.

Success sustained

18 Practices of Churches That Have Sustained Success

Drawing upon a baseball reference, leadership architect Brian Dodd says church leaders would do well to look at the St. Louis Cardinals as a benchmark for continued organizational excellence.

Charisma Leader — Serving and empowering church leaders