A Simple Step for Personal Renewal for Church Leaders It can also lead to revitalization for your church. 8:00AM EDT 9/21/2020
State of the Plate: Church Financial Health Experiences Upward Trend "This is encouraging news for churches across America." 2:00PM EDT 9/18/2020
Ministry Leaders, Has Your Message Changed Since COVID-19 Began? If it hasn't, here's why it's certainly time. 8:00AM EDT 9/17/2020
Spirit-Filled Pastor: Are You Too Serious for God? If you are, there's a three-letter word you need to acquaint yourself with. 2:00PM EDT 9/15/2020
Do Churches Need to Be Incorporated? It's something many church planters don't think about. 2:00PM EDT 9/14/2020
7 Sentences You Never Expected to Hear in Churches in 2020 Indeed, it's been a strange and painful year. 8:00AM EDT 9/14/2020
The Best Thing You Can Do When Life Crashes Down On You Peter and Paul were pretty good at it. 2:00PM EDT 9/11/2020
How to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking—And Love It This is not about you. You are only the messenger, not the message. 8:00AM EDT 9/11/2020
6 Compensation Factors to Consider When Setting Church Salaries No one enters ministry to get rich, but even pastors have to factor in pay and benefits when considering a role. 2:00PM EDT 9/9/2020
8 Reasons Some Churches Have a History of Only Conflict Maybe you know this kind of church. 8:00AM EDT 9/9/2020
How to Unlock God's Prophecies and Promises for Your Life The cross of Jesus deals with our past. 2:00PM EDT 9/8/2020
Preparing Your Heart to Live the Abundant Life Jesus Promised When you do, you'll wonder, "What happened to me?" 2:00PM EDT 9/4/2020
7 Ways Your Church Can Win at Fundraising Remember, this is part of your role, and it takes money to do ministry. 2:00PM EDT 9/4/2020
Pastor, Here's Why Your Church Needs You to Take a Vacation God created fun. Neglecting fun is neglecting a part of God. 2:00PM EDT 9/3/2020
6 Ways the Bible Teaches Pastors to Handle Disunity God blesses a unified church. 8:00AM EDT 9/2/2020
Spirit-Filled Pastor: 'Repeat After Me, God Is Greater Than My Anxiety' We must begin to speak to the mountains about the greatness of our God. 2:00PM EDT 9/1/2020
The Worst Possible Advice to Give Young Preachers It's almost unfathomable that anyone would take it. 8:00AM EDT 9/1/2020
Why Are So Many Pastors Suffering From Burnout? It's becoming a major crisis worldwide. 8:00AM EDT 8/28/2020
How Great Leaders Gain Margin Working hard is important, but there's a limit to productivity without margin. 2:00PM EDT 8/27/2020