The subpoena issued to some pastors in Houston to hand over their sermons regarding homosexuality and gender equality should alarm every pastor in America.
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How to Overcome Roadblocks in Your Senior Pastor Succession Plan
Most churches devise a well-thought-through agenda for transitioning to a new pastor. Sometimes, however, the best-laid plans experience some hurdles.
To the Pastor Considering an Extramarital Affair
Here are some things you may want to take to heart if you are even remotely thinking about a betrayal of your marriage vows.
Unintentional Pharisees: Revealing and Redeeming the Hypocrite Within
How do we discover and deal with the Pharisee inside us?
12 Characteristics of the New Apostolic Leaders
Do you have some or all of these characteristics? Do you have what it takes to be an apostolic leader?
The Pastor's Wife: The Most Vulnerable Person in Your Church
Since there are so many expectations on her, here are some respects your church owes the pastor's wife.
6 Ways to Avoid a Moral Failure in Ministry and Leadership
Everyone faces temptation in his or her life. But are you minimizing the opportunities for temptation to sin?
Multisite Churches: One Size Doesn’t Fit All
How do you see multisite churches as different from others? What has your experience been?
The Best Leaders Start With a Broken Heart
Here's how brokenhearted preachers are capable of changing a culture.
Why Leaders Should Never Think About Their Legacy
Here are five things that pastors should be thinking about on a daily basis.
14 Symptoms of Toxic Church Leaders
Do you know of any toxic ministerial leaders? Do these characteristics seem familiar?
Are You Succeeding at Cultivating Faith in Your Church?
If you are struggling with this daunting task, here are some suggestions that might help.
If You’re Not Living the Life, Don’t Profess to Be a Christian
Everyone sins and falls short of the glory of God. But why do many say, 'Lord, Lord,' and then not do what He says to do on a daily basis?
A Healthy Church Requires a Healthy Structure
When a church plateaus, it is time for renewal. What type of renewal does your church need?
7 Contrasts Between Market-Driven Culture and Biblical Christianity
Honestly, which of these are you and your church clinging to?
5 Prices a Leader Must Be Willing to Pay
Without question, there will be roadblocks for you in the process of carrying out Jesus' work. Here are some—and how to overcome them.
10 Traits of Pastors With Healthy Long-Term Tenure
What characteristics do you see in long-term healthy pastorates, specifically from the perspective of the pastor?
10 Dangerous Distractions for a Pastor
Whether it's blatant sin or simple neglect, here are some life situations that can get pastors into real trouble.
6 Recurring Themes in Filling Pastoral Vacancies
Some churches experience roadblocks when it comes to hiring a new pastor. Here are some of them and why they are so frustrating.
Why Christianity Has an Image Problem
Why does the media portray Christians in such a negative light? What are we doing to deserve such criticism?