Here are some tips on how to bounce back to passionate preaching and leadership in the local church.
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10 Reasons Everybody at Church Should Wear a Nametag
Why wouldn't your church want to implement this idea?
Is There a Formula For Momentum?
If you are missing any of these four components, you may struggle in achieving all the momentum you desire or that God wants you to have.
Record Bible Engagement Over Easter Weekend
Did you enjoy your Easter this way? If so, you're joining with your brothers and sisters around the world.
Will Your Church Be a Part of the Great Spiritual Awakening on the Horizon?
Every time a new reformation has come, these five renewals have preceded it.
Synergy: The Catalyst for Succession
There is an increasing desire to consider how the church will handle the generations. The aching question among many leaders is: "What do we do?"
How Weak Leadership Sank the Vasa
A lack of true direction doomed the lavish 17th-century Swedish warship. The same could happen with your organization or church.
Indecision: A Death Blow to Leadership
Here's how a junior high student showed me why decision-making is crucial in ministry.
The Price of Pleasure: How Ministry Pornography Can Destroy a Church
Do you ever have unrealistic expectations of an experience you're never going to have at your church?
3 Actions to Take When Ministry Is Defeating You
How you go about riding out difficult seasons in your ministry will determine whether or not you will persevere.
8 Ways Local Churches Have Become a Straitjacket for Some Believers
Why do many young people and professionals in our churches feel limited rather than celebrated and released into their callings?
Balance: The Key to a Healthy Church
Here's why churches need to achieve balance in many areas before it can make an effective impact on the world.
Rick Warren: What on Earth Am I Here For?
In Acts, it explains that God had five purposes for making each of us. What do you think of these five?
15 Things the Church Needs to Do in 2015
Here are some ideals and actions that the church should embrace this year. What others can you think of?
Pastors, Will You Accept This Challenge to Change the Nation?
Politicians won't save America, but that doesn't mean pastors shouldn't bring their God-given gifts to the public square.
4 Solid Pieces of Advice for 2015
These could work for anyone, but pastors and Christian leaders should especially take heed to them.
6 Reasons Established Churches Should Plant Churches
Established churches can sometimes get in a rut. Here's why members of these churches should branch out.
10 Troubling Statements Church Leaders and Members Make
Are these statements accurate or fair? How would you amend this list?
Stories of Transformation: A Church Pursues Its Passion for Community
In the fourth of a six-part series, LifeWay Research takes a look at how churches have turned a corner with the help of the Transformational Church Assessment Tool.
Here’s How Leaders Can Birth Movements
Here's how developing a group of healthy churches with a common goal of serving others, sharing the gospel and pursuing Jesus can help your movement gain momentum.