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If yours is a 'mean church,' it may soon look something like this.

9 Traits of 'Mean' Churches

What can we do to become a more unified body? How can churches demonstrate more positive impressions to the community?

Are you in the pulpit to preach the Word of God or to stroke the ego of your congregation members?

Your Sermon Offended? Good, It Was Supposed To

Every church congregation has to choose whether it is willing to hear from God or to be rocked to sleep by the Lord's messenger. Which one characterizes your church?

Board room

Is the Battle in the Boardroom or in Your Mind?

We humans bring most of our problems upon ourselves, but there is an enemy out there who simply doesn't like what you're doing. Here is a solution for combat with Satan.

Distraught preacher

6 Reasons Not to Quit the Ministry

You may be hurting or discouraged. But unless you consider these six factors, you may want to reconsider giving up on God's plan for you.

What lies has Satan tried to deceive you with lately?

7 Lies Pastors Tend to Believe

As any ministerial leader well knows, Satan will do anything to disrupt our lives and our ministries. Here are some regular deceptions of which to be aware.

Rick Warren

6 Biblical Ways to Handle Disunity

Satan's favorite way to destroy a church is to create dissension. Here are some things you can do as a pastor to diffuse certain situations.

Charisma Leader — Serving and empowering church leaders