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To Burnout and Back

Pastors are particularly prone to burnout because they have trouble separating their professional and personal lives. Are you at risk?

Spiritual DNA

Finding the victory you already have as a son or daughter of God.

Are You Known in Hell?

The true test of how much God is using us is our reputation with the enemy. Are you a threat to Satan?

The Power of Coaching

Coaching is on the rise in the church—with a focus on encouragement instead of commands.

Answer the Call!

I hope you will join us in Nashville in July when we pray for a massive visitation of God’s Spirit.

Finish Strong

Thoughts, fears and guidelines for living in the shadow of the judgment seat.

Tongues 101

The church needs to look at tonges as a gift, not as a cause for endless theological debate.

Muddied Reflections

A leader's failure should drive us to self-examination, not accusation.

Welcoming Prophecy

Let's not let a caution of extremism make us deaf to hear God's voice.

Accountable to Whom?

If you're accountable to God, you'll prove it by being accountable to God's people.

A Passion Deficiency

Whether books, technology or copycat strategies, there’s no substitute for divine discontent.

The Spirit of Elijah

From hate crimes to Hollywood violence—why fathers hold the keys to a nation’s healing.

Between the Times

Are you willing to put your trust in God’s sovereignty ... even when nothing is happening?

Roll Call

Middle Eastern chaos raises the ultimate question for the church: What will we do with Israel?

The World Next Door

How the shifting landscape of global culture is bringing fresh fire to the Western world.
Charisma Leader — Serving and empowering church leaders