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Upside-Down Leadership

It's not our lack of leaders that has us awry these days, it's our understanding of what a true leader looks like.

Models of Learning


To reach a new generation, we have to change the way we teach

Don't Go It Alone

Without transparent friendships, ministers are dangerously vulnerable

RE:defining Ministry

Until we foster a culture that understands the greater value of ministry sans the spotlight, we'll all keep waiting for the lights to come on.

The Charismatic Name Game

God has not called us to lead so that we can glory in what precedes or follows our names, but so we can stoop lower than others to serve them.

Cleansing the Body First

All the well-intentioned passion for Holy Spirit outpourings is pointless if the body that’s lathering it up isn’t willing to be cleaned.

Lasting Impact

Take some tips from Barnabas and leave a legacy in the lives of others.

Entertained by Worship

Within the context of church, entertainment and worship blend about as well as oil and water.

Driving Force

How to uncover and develop your core values.

Sheer Integrity

Through the hype of potential 'last-days ministry' can we see character?

The Danger in Counting

Satan attaches a self-destruct button labeled 'pride' to every leadership position. Unfortunately, it's easily accessible—and pushed often.
Charisma Leader — Serving and empowering church leaders