- 1. Adopting Holy Spirit's Agenda for Your Team
- What's your agenda for other people? Some of us are trying to help other people buy into our agendas. Some of us are trying to help other people achieve their agendas. Some of us are trying to help other ...
- Created on 20 February 2017
- 2. 15 Concepts to Make Sure No Man in Your Church Gets Left Behind
- There is no question that churches have been badly burned by the notorious start-stop, roller coaster nature of most men's ministry. However, I want to introduce you to the No Man Left Behind Model—a simple ...
- Created on 24 February 2015
- 3. Why Are We Making Christianity More Difficult For People Than It Already Is?
- Many have left the Christian faith after being harshly judged for innocent or non-conforming behaviors. And many more will leave in the coming year. Here's how to be part of the solution, not the problem: ...
- Created on 23 January 2015
- 4. How a Pastor Can Implement Discipleship Churchwide
- Discipleship is cycling to the top as a priority for many pastors. Many churches are trying to change their culture to one of making disciples. But how would you actually implement a change of that magnitude—especially ...
- Created on 18 July 2013